Breaking news





Auf dem Weg zur kollektiven Selbst- Auslöschung?


Das vielleicht gehorsamste Sklaven-Volk der Welt

Kurz: „Es wird wieder ernst.”

„Ich weiß, dass viele es noch nicht glauben. Aber es wird wieder ernst.”Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) zeigt sich besorgt über die steigenden Corona-Zahlen in Österreich. Er kündigt Verschärfungen bei der Maskenpflicht, bei Veranstaltungen und in der Gastronomie an. Sie gelten ab Montag im ganzen Land:

Gepostet von Zeit im Bild am Freitag, 11. September 2020


What is really happening in California?

What is this? How come California has all of these fires?

Did you know that all programs to cut grass and brush in California to prevent fires have been cut?

Did you know that California needs a certain amount of fires to declare a state of emergency and subsequently get billions of federal help which never reach the people, but get laundered in dubious programs? Think about it…..

NS spying on millions of U.S. Citicens

REVEALED: George Floyd Swallowed Drugs During May 2019 Arrest and Admitted to Snorting Oxycodone Daily

By Jim Hoft
Published September 12, 2020 at 7:04pm

This didn’t make any headlines in the mainstream fake news media for some reason?

According to new court documents George Floyd swallowed drugs during a prior arrest on May 6, 2019. According to the court document George Floyd was engaged in the sale and possession of large quantities of controlled substances. When police approached George Floyd put the drugs in his mouth in an attempt to avoid arrest and swallowed them.

An ambulance was called after Floyd started acting irrationally and started crying. During his stay at the Hennepin County Medical Center Floyd admitted to snorting oxycodone daily. Floyd admitted to abusing opiates for the last year and a half.

TRENDING: VIDEO: Black Woman Refuses To Move




Die Medien als Mittäter in den grausamsten Verbrechen und Völkermorden der Menschheitsgeschichte.

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